It's finally here! Go down to your comic shop and bludgeon your retailer into selling you a copy. Now.
And here's some new goodies for today:
CBR has the complete CHEW #1 script online now, so check it out after you get the book. Later on, we're gonna be doing a type of Director's Commentary on the first issue, so check back for that.
The IND, a newspaper based in my hometown of Lafayette, LA, has a nice (somewhat cheese-flavored) piece on the book, as well as a brief 3 minute bonus interview with yours truly. So if you have a thing for watching camera-shy geeks, shoot on over there.
Mania.com has an interview up, in which I talk a whole lot about the story and art. Probably my favorite interview we've done so far.
Comic Addiction has a short, very positive review of CHEW #1, as well.

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