Thanks to Mike Smith who was the first to correctly translate the mysterious Russian dialogue from
CHEW #4. If you haven't read the issue yet, you may want to avoid this for now.
Page 17, Panel 1
“Nadya, No! Damn, what are you doing?”
Page 17, Panel 2
“My name is not Nadya, you disgusting little man.”
Page 18, Panel 1
“We made mistakes my dear. I do not think that these are our enemies.”
“The master warned us about the fat one. He is dangerous. “Savoy.”
Page 18, Panel 2
“Who is this little fool?”
Page 19, Panel 1
“What’s happening? Why are you doing this? “
“I will say no more. I serve the vampire. He is my master.”
Page 19, Panel 2
"We are looking for The Truth."
Page 19, Panel 4
"I don’t think so. Your government is interested in everything but the truth."
Page 19, Panel 5
“I am not my government. I am my own master.”
“Well I serve the vampire. He is my master.”